Uniting Partners
Working Together for Healthy Lakes and Communities
When it comes to clean water,
collaboration is key.
That’s why TWF works with government bodies, conservation experts, community leaders, businesses, and many other partners at the local, state, and national level.
We bring together partners to

Collaboration In Action

Clean Waters Partnership
A TWF initiative, the Clean Waters Partnership is a collaboration between 20+ local stakeholders, including environmental groups, government agencies, farmers, builders, and more. Together, we promote healthy environmental practices and implement water quality improvement projects. Plus, the CWP Education Committee offers fun educational programs for all ages! Members include The Watershed Foundation, Wawasee Area Conservancy Foundation, Kosciusko County Recycling Depot, Kosciusko County Soil and Water Conservation District, and Lilly Center for Lakes & Streams. Want to join the partnership? Contact us to learn more!

Kosciusko Water and Woodland Invasive Partnership
KWWIP, a partnership of local individuals and organizations (including TWF), protects our land and water from non-native invasive species. KWWIP organizes volunteer workdays, creates educational resources, and builds community support for the effort. New members are always welcome!

Lake Leaders Gathering
Lake and property owner associations are vital partners! Each year, TWF gathers representatives from associations across the watershed to connect, collaborate, and learn about issues affecting our lakes. Are you a lake resident wanting to connect to your local association? A lake leader wanting to learn more about the next gathering? Let us know!

Partnership Stories
Partnerships are key to protecting local lakes! It takes all of us working together to solve pollution problems, educate and inspire our communities, and so much more. Visit our blog to meet incredible partners like The Lilly Center, Kosciusko SWCD, and others and see what successful collaboration looks like!
Our Partners
Did You Know?
Our watershed contains over 60 lakes, many creeks and streams, and the Tippecanoe River!
It takes many local organizations to protect that much water. Some monitor water quality in specific counties. Others fix pollution problems in specific lakes. TWF prevents pollution at its source throughout the watershed. Though our work may be different, when we work together, we achieve more. Join us!